Contact us

We’re here to help. You can manage your account online or contact us at your at your convenience.


For individuals

Billing and policy service questions
Pay a bill, ask our self-service network assistant, Hanna billing questions or call 800-922-8427

Report a claim
Claims service or call 800-628-0250

Check status of a claim
Log in or call 800-628-0250

Get a quote
Contact an agent for a quote


For businesses

Billing and policy service questions
Pay a bill or call 800-922-8427

Report a claim
Claims service or call 800-628-0250

Check status of a claim
Log in or call 800-628-0250

California workers' compensation policyholders
Forms and information or 
Submit an appeal or request for action


For Hanover agents

Personal Lines agency helpline

Commercial Lines agency helpline

Payment addresses

Hanover regular bill payment
The Hanover Insurance Company
PO Box 580045
Charlotte, NC 28258-0045

Hanover overnight bill payment
The Hanover Insurance Company
C/O Branch Banking & Trust
Attn: Retail Lockbox - 580045
5130 Parkway Plaza Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28217

Citizens regular bill payment
Citizens Insurance Company of America
Department 77360
PO Box 77000
Detroit, MI 48277-0360

Citizens overnight bill payment
JPMorgan Chase Lockbox Processing
Attn: Citizens Insurance Dept 77360
1 Village Dr. Bldg. 45 - First Floor
Van Buren Township, MI 48111

Write to us

Corporate mailing address
The Hanover Insurance Group, Inc.
440 Lincoln Street
Worcester, MA 01653-0002